
State the decision to enact voting rights

Discuss the below:

Q1. How, according to Patricia Hill Collins, how do race, gender, income etc. impact one's experience of privilege or oppression? How does that intersectionality the complicate the willingness of "minorities" to participate in politics?

Q2. How have the rights of minorities in the U.S. to participate been expanded over time and by? However, recently, the Court's decision in Shelby v. Holder has the potential to make that participation more difficult. Discuss the Court's decision in Shelby and its impact on the Civil Rights Act of 1965. What do you believe it impact will be on the future political participation of "minorities" in the future?

Q3. According to Rivera, Miller and Wright, what is the future of minority coalitions? Given that we are currently witnessing an era of increased minority mobilization, do you believe that their prescription for minority coalition politics still makes sense? In your answer, be sure to contextualize your argument by referencing current political issues.

Q4. According to Rocha and Matsubayashi, what effect does the partisan and racial context have on a state's decision to enact voting rights laws? Given their analysis, what should be done to make sure that the ability of minorities to participate is maintained?

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Other Subject: State the decision to enact voting rights
Reference No:- TGS02061886

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