
State cramers rule use it to solve the linear system no


Problem 1- Consider the matrix


Find rank A, a basis for Col A and a basis for Row A

Problem 2- Compute (or if undefined say so, explaining why)


Problem 3- (a) State Cramer's Rule.

(b) Use it to solve the linear system (no credit for solving the system directly)


Problem 4- Mark each statement True or False. Justify your answers.

(a) If AB = 0 for two square matrices A, B, then either A = 0 or B = 0.

(b) The set P2[X, Y] of all polynomials in X and Y of degree at most 2 (together with the usual addition and multiplication by a constant) is a vector space of dimension 6.

Problem 5- Let P4 denote the vector space of polynomial of degree at most 4 (vector space together with the addition and multiplication by a constant). Consider the differentiation map D : P4 → P4 given by Df = f'.

(a) Show that D is linear.

Problem 6- Mark each statement True or False. Justify your answers.

(a) If there is a linear transformation T : R5 → V which is onto, then dim V ≥ 5.

(b) Any linearly independent set in R3 must have exactly three elements.

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Mathematics: State cramers rule use it to solve the linear system no
Reference No:- TGS01421965

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