
State case study in essay format about person cantered care


Sarah is 21 years old and has just started a job as a personal carer in an aged facility. She is saving to get a rental property and is currently living in her caravan park with her daughter Zara who is almost two. Sarah is very upset as she has just discovered she is four months pregnant with her second child. She was living in Adelaide until two months ago when her partner, Jason, insisted that they move to Sydney because he said he didn't like Sarah's parents and that they were interfering all the time. Sarah left Jason two weeks ago when he threatened to leave with Zara and make sure that Sarah never saw her daughter again. Sarah has not told Jason that she is having another baby. Sarah arrived at the antenatal clinic for her booking in appointment. She found the first birth difficult as Jason would not let her go to antenatal classes and she did not really understand what was happening to her when she commenced labour. She is now very scared of giving birth to another baby.

State this case study in essay format about person cantered care in young adulthood.

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