
State and test the standard null hypothesis for the

Motorcycles, part 2. In Exercise 41, we saw data on off- road motorcycles and examined scatterplots. Review those scatterplots. Here's a regression of MSRP on both Displacement and Bore. Both of the predictors are measures of the size of the engine. The displacement is the total vol- ume of air and fuel mixture that an engine can draw in dur- ing one cycle. The bore is the diameter of the cylinders.

Dependent variable is: MSRP

squared = 77.0% squared (adjusted) = 76.5% s = 979.8 with 98 - 3 = 95 degrees of freedom

Variable      Coeff      SE(Coeff) t-ratio P-value

Intercept    318.352    1002      0.318    0.7515

Bore         41.1650     25.37    1.62    0.1080

Displacement   6.57069     3.232  2.03     0.0449

a) State and test the standard null hypothesis for the coefficient of Bore.

b) Both of these predictors seem to be linearly related to MSRP. Explain what your result in part a means.

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Accounting Basics: State and test the standard null hypothesis for the
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