
State and explain the applicable rules of law such as the

Anne is employed by Big Construction Company. Big Construction has a $1.3 million contract to build park structures in a national park. Anne alleges that Big has discriminated against her, in that she has not been promoted to skilled craft positions and Big Construction views it as inappropriate for women to be in those positions and that most male skilled craft workers are very much against having women in such positions. Knowing the Big Construction has a contract with the federal government; Anne brings a suit against Big under Executive Order 11246 for gender discrimination. Will she be successful? Why or why not?

When analyzing legal issues, it is often best to structure your analysis using the following IRAC method:

Issue(s) - State the issue(s) or question(s) to be decided. May be broad or narrow. (Stated such as "The issue is whether..." or "Does...?") (Hint: pay particular attention to the respective contentions of the parties and/or the questions asked in the problems).

Rule(s) [of Law] - State and explain the applicable rules of law, such as the applicable constitution provision, statute, regulation, or common law principle (write out or summarize - do not just provide the citation).

Application - Apply the appropriate rule(s) of law to the specific facts of the case (the court's explanation/reasoning/rationale for its findings/holding/decision in a case brief.....or your reasoning/rationale for your conclusion/outcome/decision in a chapter problem analysis) (should be the longest part of the IRAC analysis).

Conclusion - State the outcome/decision/holding of the case or problem analysis (determination of issues) based on application of law to the facts.

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HR Management: State and explain the applicable rules of law such as the
Reference No:- TGS0664900

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