Source Sum of Squares (degrees of freedom [df]) Mean Square Fobt. Fcrit.
Gender 68.15
Marital Status 127.37
Gender * Marital Status (A x B) 41.9
Error (Within) 864.82 NA NA
Total 1102.24 99 NA NA NA
in addition
a. What are the independent variables and their levels? What is the dependent variable?
b. State all null hypotheses associated with independent variables and their interaction? Also suggest alternate hypotheses?
c. What are the degrees of freedom for 1) gender, 2) marital status, 3) interaction between gender and marital status, and 4) error or within variance?
d. Calculate the mean square for 1) gender, 2) marital status, 3) interaction between gender and marital status, and 4) error or within variance.
e. Calculate the F ratio for 1) gender, 2) marital status, and 3) interaction between gender and marital status.
f. Identify the critical Fs at alpha = .05 for 1) gender, 2) marital status, and 3) interaction between gender and marital status.
g. If alpha is set at .05, what conclusions can you make?