
Starting from the basic principles derive a differential

A thin wire of cross-sectional area A and Perimeter P is extruded at a fixed vetocity V through and extrusion nozzle as shown in fig. The tempertaure of the wire at the extusion nozzle is T0, high enough to make the metal extudable.

1210_extusion nozzle.png

The wire aftter extrusion pass through air at temprature T for some distance L and then is rolled onto a large spool, where the termprature reduces to TL. Let the heat transfer coefficent be constant h.

(a) Starting from the basic principles, derive a differential equation that governs the variation of the temperature of the wire as at Function of the distance x from the extrusion nozzle. Also specify the boundary conditions.

(b) Solve the problem formulated in (a) and obtain an expression for the vanution of the wire temperature as a function of x.

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Mechanical Engineering: Starting from the basic principles derive a differential
Reference No:- TGS01133675

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