
Start paying attention each time you purchase something and

Question: Case number 1 - Your Behavior as a Consumer

• Start paying attention each time you purchase something and be prepared to share in class (some of the more memorable purchases and the process you went through prior, during and after the purchase).

• Document every step of 5 upcoming purchasing decisions.

• You will need to detail each step with information you feel is relevant but please include the item purchased, the cost and the location at which the item was purchased.

• At least one of these should be something over $20 (a "bigger ticket" item).

• At this point, don't use the book as a guide - just discuss the steps and issues you feel are relevant.

• Expected length of Mini-Case: 2-3 pages (double spaced with reasonable margins)

Case number 2 - Expanding Generational Knowledge and Their Attitudes on Consumerism

• Skip ahead and read Chapter 4

• Interview two members of the following generations - Greatest (pre-depression/depression), Baby boom, Generation X, Generation Y, Generation Z.

Determine the extent to which they feel the text description of their generation is accurate and how they think their generation differs from the larger society. Also, determine what they think about how they are portrayed in the mass media and how well they are served by business today.

• Interview as many of the groups as possible (two minimum).

• In addition to this activity, find other print ads that target each of these groups and comment on each ad.

• Use web articles, other sources to improve discussion (cite outside materials)

• Put this all together in an organized format - snap a picture of the specific ads and insert into a Word document and type up your answer to each question.

• Expected length of Mini-Case: Discussion and interviews should be 3-5 pages (plus any ad examples).

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Marketing Management: Start paying attention each time you purchase something and
Reference No:- TGS02660764

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