
Standing rock sioux tribe have lived worry about their

Question: Standing Rock Sioux Tribe have lived worry about their living foundation in Tribes Make Stand Against Pipeline's article. Standing Rock Sioux Tribe will drink polluted water and they will live Contaminated land by the oil pipeline project. Fifty years ago, Verna Bailey harmed to disappear her foundation living because of construction of dams. Jack Healy's article mention that "To Ms. Bailey and thousands of other tribal members who lived along the river's length, the project was a cultural catastrophe, residents and historians say." (Jack Healy) After 50 years, they have a big crisis again. The building company said, "Access pipeline across four states and 1,170 miles says it will transport oil safely and reliably." (Jack Healy) Is this safe that the pipeline project?

- Curiously, the building company do not make reference about safe. If the pipeline project is safety, why does the company say? I am doubtful about that. A like instance, Polar Indigenous Peoples Will Be Harmed by Resource Development's article, "most believe that it will destroy the caribou and fish populations they depend on for food, according to the author." (The North and South Poles) Dene and Inuvialuit peoples of Arctic Canada have suffered due to the pipeline project. Some people have welcomed the jobs and money such a project would bring in Polar Indigenous Peoples' article mention. That is a foolish idea. I argue about why I desperately oppose the pipeline project.

- According to a Tribes Make Stand Against Pipeline article, "Opponents say a spill or break could poison the river." (Jack Healy) I agree this argument. If the pipeline become superannuated, what is going to happen this pipeline? And air, water, and land will be polluted while constructing the pipeline. The most serious problem is greenhouse gas will be emitted after the pipeline is constructed. For example, "The proposed Mackenzie Gas Project would stretch from the Beaufort Delta to the northern border of Alberta, and would be the largest such industrial project in Canada's history. Before the tar-sands-derived crude is used to operate even a single lawn mower, however, the whole process will have already doubled Canada's greenhouse gas emissions, rendering moot all discussions of achieving our Kyoto treaty [an international environmental treaty] obligations."

- (The North and South Poles) If the pipeline be constructed under dam of the Missouri River, Greenhouse is caused by the pipeline project similar Mackenzie Gas Project. Another example, "Exploration and mining for diamonds uses both electricity and hydrocarbons, which emit CO2 into the environment, generally held responsible for global warming and climate change. open-pit diamond mining requires digging out and removing large amounts of soil and vegetation in order to access the diamond ore." (Points of View: Diamond Mining) Although the content is different with the pipeline project, losing the environment is the same regardless of the type. Diamond Mining's article mention about destruction of the environment. Seriously, After diamond is exhausted, the lands will not be restored. Likewise, if the pipeline is stopped, Standing Rock Sioux Tribe will not use water resources and land resources forever or they can leave before the pipeline project start.

- The pipeline project is made their life difficult and they have felt mental anguish that memories fifty years again. According to a Tribes Make Stand Against Pipeline's article,"And residents like Ms. Bailey say the pipeline battle has dredged up old memories and feelings about lost lands and broken treaties with the United States government, as well as their worries about the future of land and water they hold sacred." (Jack Healy) They do not want to feel a terrible experience. So the federal government has paid millions in compensation over the years to tribes affected by the dam project, including more than $90 million held for the Standing Rock Sioux in Tribes Make Stand Against Pipeline's article. Compensation cannot cure mental pain. Fundamental measures are more important than money for them.

- For example the American Journal of International Law, "The Court examined the rights of tribal peoples in international law and concluded that the members of the Saramaka people have a right to use and enjoy the natural resources that lie on and within their traditionally owned territory and that are necessary for their survival." (American Journal of International Law) The court noted that their territory is entitled to them. And "the Court found that Suriname had violated the rights, under the American Convention on Human Rights, to juridical personality, property, and judicial protection of the Saramaka people living in the Upper Suriname River Region, in relation to the obligations to respect, ensure, and give domestic legal effect to those rights." (American Journal of International Law) Therefore this judgment show conflicting results with a federal judge in Washington in the Tribes Make Stand Against Pipeline's article.

- Of course before the mentions are important, their sacred culture is also important. They would have cherished their sacred culture all their lives. But Standing Rock Sioux Tribe are losing their culture. According to a Tribes Make Stand Against Pipeline article, "The Standing Rock Sioux have sued the Army Corps of Engineers, which approved an importantpermit for the pipeline, saying that building the pipeline would destroy sacred cultural and burial sites and raising concerns that a leak or spill would poison their water supply."(Jack Healy) But the corps said, "The Corps says it reached out extensively to tribes before it gave approval for the Dakota Access pipeline to cross bodies of water, including the Missouri."(Jack Healy) I feel the corps argue that the pipeline project does not damage to them.

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