Supplemental oil and gas information (unaudited) [extract]
Standardized measure of discounted future net cash flow
The standardized measure of discounted future net cash flows relating to proved oil and gas reserve quantities was developed as follows:
• Estimates of proved reserves and the corresponding production profiles are based on existing technical and economic conditions;
• The estimated future cash flows are determined based on prices used in estimating the Group's proved oil and gas reserves;
• The future cash flows incorporate estimated production costs (including production taxes), future development costs and asset retirement costs. All cost estimates are based on year-end technical and economic conditions;
• Future income taxes are computed by applying the year-end statutory tax rate to future net cash flows after consideration of permanent differences and future income tax credits; and
• Future net cash flows are discounted at a standard discount rate of 10 percent.
These principles applied are those required by ASC 932 and do not reflect the expectations of real revenues from these reserves, nor their present value; hence, they do not constitute criteria for investment decisions. An estimate of the fair value of reserves should also take into account, among other things, the recovery of reserves not presently classified as proved, anticipated future changes in prices and costs and a discount factor more representative of the time value of money and the risks inherent in reserves estimates.