
standard number and terms of availability

Standard Number and Terms of Availability Area 

International Standard Book Number (ISBN) and International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) are numbers given to each individual book and to each individual serial title respectively. These are numbers internationally agreed upon. The Standard Number and Terms of Availability Area is a separate paragraph given after the last paragraph in the Note or Notes Area. It serves the purpose of identifying the document in terms of an internationally accepted code number ISBN, ISSN or any other international code number. This helps unique identification of document for various purposes. This area also includes information on terms of availability and price, etc., within the same area. Earlier, price of a document used to be recorded only in the Accession Register and the Shelf-list. Now the price of the document will be given in this area when a document is fully described. This information is helpful when the entry is prepared for national bibliographic record. This makes the description of the document complete. 

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Humanities: standard number and terms of availability
Reference No:- TGS0175915

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