
Standard business

Discuss the below:

Content from this module, draft a thank you letter template that you can use as a starting point for future professional follow up. This template will be a document that you can customize for each situation in which it is needed. For the template feel free to use text like "DATE", "NAME", "EVENT" and "COMPANY" as place-holders for information that will later be customized. Alternatively, feel free to write your letter to a specific individual for practice.

Your letter should include sample text or placeholders for the following information:

1. Specific mention of what you are thanking the individual for.

2. Specific mention of the date the event or meeting took place.

3. Mention of your interest in the potentially available position.

4. Brief explanation of your relevant qualifications.

5. Confirmation of the next steps and/or future communications

Your letter can be in the form of an email, typed formal letter, or handwritten note. Whichever format you choose to practice for this assignment, your draft must adhere to the following criteria:

a. Standard business formatting and font

b. One page length at maximum

c. Addressed to a specific person

d. No spelling or grammatical errors

e. A professional greeting and closing

f. Professional and articulate communication skills

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Other Management: Standard business
Reference No:- TGS01756561

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