
Stages in the review of a software design

Answer the following questions.

Question 1) Describe why a high quality software process must lead to high quality software products. Describe various problems involved with this system of quality management.

Question 2) Describe about the various phases of software development life cycle (SDLC) representing an analogy between a house and software.

Question 3) What do you undertsand by technical communication involved for the project development? Give explanation for your answer.

Question 4) Write down the stages involved in the review of a software design?

Question 5) Write brief notes on:

(a) ISO 9003

(b) IEEE

Question 6) How the Product Integrity can be maintained? Describe Organization Structure for Configuration Management.

Question 7) Describe Software Technical Reviews and Software Quality Assurance Plans.

Question 8) Write brief note on:

(a) Software Project Management

(b) Software Project Economics.

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Software Engineering: Stages in the review of a software design
Reference No:- TGS08703

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