
Stages in developing a strategic e-marketing plan

Attempt all the questions.


Question1) Write brief notes to the following:

(a)  E-branding

(b) Types of Hosting Accounts

Question2)(a) Outline the stages involved in developing a strategic E-Marketing plan.

(b) How Service Leadership helps in making the E-Commerce strategy.

Question3)(a) What do you understand by Security policy? Differentiate it from security procedures.

(b) What is a firewall and how does it protects a site?

Question4) Write brief notes on the following:

(a)  Implementation of e-commerce strategy.

(b)  Planning technologies of E-business sites.


Case Study

This case is about challenges faced by Yahoo! Inc. (Yahoo!), a leading international Internet portal, in Chinese Internet market. Yahoo! was one among the first few international companies to enter Chinese market. Even though company modelled its Chinese portal on the lines of its globally successful portal, it failed to attract Chinese consumers.

Yahoo! also found itself in tough competition with local Internet firms like Sina Corporation (Sina), Sohu.com Inc. (Sohu), Baidu.com, etc. Yahoo! even lagged behind arch-rival Google Inc., in online search market in China. The complexity of Chinese language, the inability of foreign companies to understand local culture and preferences, and rigid government regulations were also other factors which affected Yahoo!'s performance in China. Recognizing need for having local player who was more attuned to needs of the local customers, Yahoo! handed over management of its Chinese operations to the Alibaba Group, in 2005. The case discusses the strategies adopted by Yahoo! China to increase its market share and the future challenges faced by the company in the highly competitive Chinese market.

question5) Case Questions: 

a) Explain the problems in the business model of Yahoo!

b) Examine the strategies adopted by Yahoo! to improve its business operations in China.

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Business Management: Stages in developing a strategic e-marketing plan
Reference No:- TGS03726

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