Question 1: Describe the stages and various coordination mechanisms included in policy processes.
Discuss various factors which influenced the agenda setting in policy processes.
Question 2: Bring out the main concerns of public economics. Which type of public intervention is not still considered a part of the public economics and why?
Question 3: Elucidate the following:
i) Tiebout Model
ii) Social Welfare Function.
iii) Pareto efficient tax structure.
Question 4: Critically observe the statement that privatization can always decentralize economic power.
Question 5: Answer any two of the given in around 250 words each:
a) Examine two principles of public debt management as stated by the Philip E Taylor.
b) Briefly specify the new trends regarding the role of state?
c) Evaluate Bowen and Black’s model for the identification of median voter preference.
Question 6: Differentiate between external debt and internal debt. What are the factors which a government must take care of so that the economy does not fall into a debt trap?
Question 7: Differentiate between:
a) Positive externalities and Negative externalities
b) Horizontal equity and Vertical equity
c) Kaldor Compensation Criteria and Hicks Compensation Criteria
Question 8: Briefly summaries the alternative descriptions to the theory of International Trade? Critically examine the Strategic Theory of International Trade.
Question 9: Give rationale for Import Substitution Industrialization (ISI) strategy. Discuss the significant policy issues comprised in implementing the ISI strategy.
Question 10: Discuss different instruments of trade protection? Differentiate between quotas and tariffs.
Question 11: Describe how under the WTO, differential treatment in reverse is different from the Special and Differential (S&D) treatment.
Question 12: Why is the Bretton Woods System considered as a variant of gold standard regime?
Describe the salient features of the Bretton Woods System.
Question 13: Elaborate on the growing significance of services in international trade. Examine the effects of inclusion of services in multilateral trade negotiations.
Question 14: Write short notes on the given:
a) Monetary theory of balance of payments.
b) Special Drawing Rights.
Question 15: Poverty is endemic. Discuss this proposition with reference to particular groups of population in a country.
Question 16: State the Samuelson’s condition for optimal provision of a public good. Describe geometrically the determination of the optimal allocation of a private and public good.
Question 17: Describe the usefulness of environmental accounting. Give a critical assessment of its implementation in India.
Question 18: Critically observe the role of ‘Informal Regulations on Pollution’ in developing economies.
Question 19: Describe the concept of ‘Optimal Harvesting Age’ with an illustration.
Question 20: Differentiate between ‘physical capital’ and ‘human capital’. What are the factors that lead to rise in human capital?
Question 21: How do you measure the cost of health services? Discuss the impact of technological change on the cost of the health services.