
Stage of cognitive development is thinking intuitive and

1. According to Piaget, in which stage of cognitive development is thinking intuitive and illogical but involves language and symbolic play?

a. formal operational
b. sensorimotor
c. concrete operational
d. postoperational
e. preoperational

2. Physiological reactions to stress involve each of the following except the:
a. hippocampus.
b. cerebral cortex.
c. endocrine system.
d. hormones cortisol, epinephrine, and norepinephrine.
e. hypothalamus.

3. To evolutionary psychologists, adults respond with warm feelings to babies because:
a. the sight of the baby arouses unconscious associations with their own infancy.
b. of cultural values emphasizing the cuteness of infants.
c. of love and belongingness needs.
d. they experience significant rewards from doing so.
e. of deeply-rooted motives in our biological heritage to nurture human young.

4. You read an article in the newspaper that a researcher has performed an experiment in which one group of people received a food supplement and the other group did not.

Later, the two groups are tested and the first group obtains higher scores on an
intelligence test. The researcher concludes that the food supplement makes people
more intelligent. In thinking carefully about the validity of this conclusion, you should
consider each of the following questions


a. is the food supplement easy for people to buy who wish to improve their
b. was the group difference in intelligence test scores statistically significant?
c. were the two groups of people equivalent in intelligence at the beginning of the
d. were the people in the experiment representative of the broader population?
e. was the measure of intelligence a well-designed, valid measure?

5. Our ability to "generalize" research results -- that is, the ability to apply what you have learned to how most people act in everyday circumstances -- is greatest with which research method?
a. observations in naturalistic settings.
b. studies with psychophysiological measures.
c. experiments.
d. case studies.
e. laboratory studies.

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Dissertation: Stage of cognitive development is thinking intuitive and
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