
Staffing patterns

Staffing Patterns Assignment

Based on the information below you are going to create two staffing patterns. One staffing pattern will use NH Licensing Rules ratios and the other staffing pattern will be based on NAEYC's ratio requirements. You will have to look into the ratio requirements for each age to determine the staff to child ratio required for each governing agent mentioned above.

It is your choice whether you choose to reduce ratios during naptime or not. Look at both Licensing and NAEYC's rules to find out their policies regarding naptime ratios. You will also create time for one teacher in each classroom to have a two hour planning block within the week.

Be creative when thinking of staffing patterns. Note that students can be combined both at the beginning and ending of day if you choose.

After you have created the staffing pattern you will determine how much money is spent on salaries each week. The hourly wage for staff is also listed below.

Upon completion you will write a one to two page reflection on creating staffing patterns. Do you find creating a detailed staff schedule necessary? What does such a schedule mean for staff? For children? Would any factors have made creating these staffing patterns easier? (i.e. less children? More staff?)

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Other Subject: Staffing patterns
Reference No:- TGS01085360

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