
Staff evaluation act

Question1. It is said that the key to good recruitment lies in getting the job description and the job specification correct. As Human Resources manager, describe this statement to a new member of Human Resources team.   

Question2. Describe the role played by the staff induction day in successfully introducing the new employee to organisation.    

Question3. What, in your opinion, are the features which define good management?

Question4. ‘Retail is Detail.’ How do you believe this phrase might be applied to staff management systems?

Question5. ‘A good manager must be part Theory X and part Theory Y.’ Describe.

Question6. How may the staff evaluation act as a motivational device?

Question7. Write notes for the types of preparation you would wish to do for TWO from the subsequent THREE interview situations:

a) Selection

b) Appraisal

c) Disciplinary   

Question8. ‘People are the most significant resource we possess.’ Why is this sentiment so often forgotten in the hustle and bustle of day-to-day practice? How can busy managers avoid falling in this trap?

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Marketing Management: Staff evaluation act
Reference No:- TGS04764

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