
stack guidesguides are to be put up at different

Stack Guides:

Guides are to be put up at different places in the library in order to enable a user to find his/ her way into different parts of the library with minimum of assistance from library staff. In a stack room, the following guides will have to be provided. 

Tier Guide: Each tier of stacks should have one tier guide showing the arrangement  of books on the shelves  in that tier.  These  should show the subjects covered in the respective tier giving the inclusive class numbers and their verbal headings. 

Gangway Guide: Each gangway should be provided with a gangway guide, indicating the subjects covered in the  particular gangway with the help of class numbers and equivalents in the form of verbal headings. 

Bay Guide: Every bay of shelves be provided with a bay guide containing the concerned class numbers and their verbal headings. 

Shelf Guide: Every shelf  should be provided with a shelf guide giving the class numbers to denote the subject on which the books are found in a particular shelf. 

General Guide:  A guide giving an overall view of the stacks and the arrangement of books has to be provided preferably in the lobby or somewhere near the entrance. 

General Instruction Guides: The maintenance section should provide the following guides:  

a)  `No Smoking Please' 

b)  `Talk and Walk Softly' 

c)  `Silence Please' 

d)  `Do not shelve the books. Leave them on the table' etc. 

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Management Theories: stack guidesguides are to be put up at different
Reference No:- TGS0177287

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