
Stable set of constructs regarding people

From what I understand, personal constructs are the features that we habitually notice in others. They are the specific descriptors we use to answer the question "What is he or she like?" For illustration, I look at a teenager and consider him uncouth, arrogant and thoughtless. All of such are constructs that I have made or learned in order to describe the behavior of teenagers I have met.

1) Do you have a relatively stable set of constructs regarding people, or do your constructs differ broadly depending on whom you are judging?

2) Does stereotyping enter your judgment procedure; for illustration, do you use different types of constructs to explain men than to explain women?

3) Are the constructs you use fair?

4) Are they complete?

5) Do they permit you to make sufficient assessments of others?

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Other Subject: Stable set of constructs regarding people
Reference No:- TGS029560

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