Every organization has a compensation plan. Ideally, the compensation plan represents a set of strategic decisions that support the organization's goals and align with their desired culture. To illustrate how this works, this assignment compares strategic elements of several compensation plans using each of the policy decision categories; internal alignment, competitiveness, employee contributions, and management.
Specifically, you will compare a compensation plan you are familiar with to that of Microsoft and SAS. Read and follow the instructions for Mapping Compensation Strategies SEE ATTACHED. Answer these questions. While taking into account- Contrasting Maps of Microsoft and SAS also ATTACHED. Please review the following evaluation criteria before beginning to write you response to this assignment.
Submit your responses to each question in a Word document, 2-3 pages in length excluding the title page or reference page, double spaced, and in 12-point Times New Roman font. The responses should use APA style formatting.
Page 61 below is below.
Newman, Jerry; Milkovich, George; Gerhart, Barry (2013). Compensation, 11th edition. McGraw-Hill Higher Education -A. Kindle Edition.