
Specifically identify the authors strongest supporting

Read the selection by Sandel and Nussbaum, linked below. Then, write a 250-word response in which you:Specifically identify the author's position. Specifically identify the author's strongest supporting point, including why you think that it's the strongest point.Specifically identify the author's weakest point, including why you think it's the weakest.While this is a discussion board, you are not required to reply to anyone, but you may if you like. I've also turned on liking for Reading Response discussions. These Reading Responses are posted to discussions, so that you can read each other's analyses and see how others are reading the same text that you are.

Two important notes: I have asked you to identify what you think are the weakest and strongest points that the author makes and explain why you think so. This is distinctly different than whether or not you agree or disagree with the author's position or the points the author makes. This means that you will not be able to say, "There are no weak points."

I've asked you to write 250 words, but this is approximate. It's not a lot of space, and I suspect that you will need that much room to adequately respond to the task. You may need a bit less or a bit more, but try to keep it around 250.

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Science: Specifically identify the authors strongest supporting
Reference No:- TGS02487858

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