
Specific literacy strategies

In this assignment you will develop a three–week mini unit of work that centres on teaching students the skills, knowledge and processes for composing an informative OR persuasive text for application within a History unit of work. You will need to include mentor texts for close study in your unit of work, considering the NSW BOS text requirements. The selected texts for close study will assist the students to learn about composing the organisational structure of the type of text (e.g. a report) and the critical examination of ONE relevant aspect of grammar related to that genre (at paragraph, sentence or word level) in the context of learning about a History topic utilising the new History K–10 Syllabus. You need to consider the stage you are targeting and the development of that genre appropriate for the stage that is in keeping with NSW BOS English and History K–10 Syllabus Outcomes. Irrespective of the stage you select, the topic, the genre and the supporting factual texts need to focus on the Sustainability cross–curriculum priority. Your learning sequences need to encompass the pedagogical approach to English that you considered from assignment one that support the current theoretical models underpinning the NSW BOS English K–10 Syllabus AND utilise the History topic you have selected.

The purpose of this assignment is to assess your effectiveness in programming for teaching about composing texts, your understanding of a close study to inform writing and grammar development in line with the guidelines discussed in this unit. While you may draw upon this unit during your professional experience in schools it need NOT be designed to specifically cater for the class that you are allocated.
You are required to include:

• A rationale for your unit of work, which addresses the relevance of the genre and purpose (informative or persuasive text) and the aspect of grammar selected to enhance learning. The relevance of your selections must also address the needs of the stage, describe the link with the cross curriculum priority: Sustainability for the NSW BOS History K–10 Syllabus.

• The NSW BOS English Syllabus outcomes and content descriptors for each lesson sequence.

• The NSW BOS History K–10 Syllabus outcome for each learning sequence.

• A minimum of THREE specific literacy strategies (ONE each week) to support learning to compose the type of text you have selected. The literacy strategies are to be referenced in the unit of work and included as a template as appendices (e.g. a ‘Y’ chart / think, pair, share).

• At least ONE ‘assessment for learning’ (AFL) task to initiate the mini unit.

• Appropriately labelled ‘assessment as learning’ tasks within the lesson sequences (AAL).

• The last learning sequence involves a ‘joint construction’ task.

• Aspects in the learning sequences which meet the needs of EALD students and include the relevant ESL scales from the NSW BOS English K–10 Syllabus.

• AT LEAST THREE relevant mentor texts for close study to support the aspect of grammar that is the focus of the mini unit (i.e. ONE text for close study for ONE of the lessons per week to assist students learn about composing that particular type of text).

• A variety of resources and tools that ENGAGE students and SUPPORT composing in a multimodal classroom.

• Use the unit template provided.


1. Develops students’ field knowledge in the HSIE topic supported effectively by the ‘writing and responding’ outcomes in the NSW BOS English K–10 Syllabus in a meaningful way.

2. Chooses and explicitly teaches ONE grammatical feature in context of the genre throughout.

3. Overview contains stage and grade information. Rationale includes relevance of the genre, the aspect of grammar selected to enhance learning, a description of the authentic link with the cross curriculum priority: Sustainability, acknowledgement of the diversity of learners and EALD students (ESL scales).

4. Texts selected for close study are appropriate for grammar, the topic and the cross curriculum priority and as mentor texts.

5. The lesson sequences in each lesson are matched appropriately with the History topic objectives and the English outcomes linked to relevant content descriptors. They employ the teaching and learning cycle as presented in the prescribed textbook and 11 lessons, and assessment for learning and a joint construction task.

6. The lesson sequences are logical and integrate teaching and learning of the History topic.

7. The literacy strategies are integrated into the lesson for the purpose of assisting composing.

8. Unit includes effective and relevant use of ICT.

9. Presents work professionally, using appropriate and clear academic writing and APA referencing style within the word limit.

A suggested structure for developing your mini unit is presented below:

1. Select context (stage and year), the sustainability topic (History) and types of text (within the category of an informative OR persuasive text).

• Decide on the stage and year level for the mini unit of work (e.g. Stage 2, Year 3).

• Select a topic and objectives from History K¬–10 Syllabus, which supports the Sustainability cross curriculum priority (CCP).

• Select the genre (informative or persuasive text) that will assist students to demonstrate understanding of the topic. For example: a report or argument.

• Decide on the RELEVANT English K–10 Syllabus outcomes and content descriptors for your unit.

• Decide on the aspect of grammar (EITHER paragraph level OR sentence level OR word level relevant to the chosen genre) you will teach in context of learning about the chosen genre.

• Use the suggested readings and the prescribed text about the teaching of genre in context to highlight elements for your rationale and inform your pedagogical approach.

• Review NSW BOS English K–10 Syllabus components on the close study of texts, text requirements and approach to teaching grammar that you investigated in Assessment 1.

• Select the content descriptors within the English Outcomes that are relevant to explore those grammar and genre aspects.

• Select mentor texts (to support ONE lesson for each week within the entire unit).

2. Compose the Overview and Rationale.

• Use the above information to create an overview page for your mini-unit of work. Include academic references to support your rationale and overview (approx. 300 words).

3. Plan the content to provide opportunities to meet the outcomes and content descriptors.

• Research and consider literacy strategies used in teaching the genre, the aspect of grammar and the History topic focus for the year level/stage of students you have selected.

• Consider the metalanguage the students will need to talk and write about the topic and genre.

• Create an overview of the sequence for the 11 lessons / learning sequences for the 3-week unit of work to assist your planning. (You MAY decide to include this in your appendix).

• Consider the way speech, pictures and text may be working together to make meaning.

After you have conceptualised the overview, rationale, outcomes, text resources, then begin designing each lesson in detail so that the unit of work:

• Explicitly teaches how to compose the selected genre (type of text) including the generic organisational structure engaging the students in modelling and joint construction.

• Explicitly teaches the ONE aspect of grammar EITHER paragraph level OR sentence level OR word level relevant to the selected genre appropriate to the year level and stage.

• Incorporates CCP + KLA content and concepts in a meaningful way.

• Scaffolds the learning sequence to differentiate the learning and support EALD learners.

4. The 11 lessons (learning sequences) should:

• Use the unit template provided.

• Include a title for the unit and for each lesson (Note: Lesson One is NOT a title).

• Include enough detail so a teacher could pick up the unit and know what s/he would be doing and what the students would be doing; include grouping of students and resources – bullet points are acceptable.

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Reference No:- TGS01613014

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