Select a country which you have not lived in, nor spent more than a week in. Find out at least three book sources and at least seven sources in all and start reading regarding the culture of this country. You might select a specific ethnic group in the country or describe the country as a whole.
Research what a person would require to know in order to visit your country successfully. In your search, look for topics like customs, taboos, family, status of children, role of women, role of the aged, superstitions, values, language, body language, gestures, prejudices, foods, clothing, work ethic, death and mourning rituals, marriage rituals, traditions, education, religion, holidays and ways of celebrating. As well look for significant events in history or politics which have shaped the culture.
Recognize the places which are a ‘must-see' for visitors to the country. This paper, when completed, will be a guide for the visitor to country.