
Specific aspect of the problem to focus on in class you


Write a thesis for a research paper on the topic of Social Constructionism theory pertaining to exercising and dieting from the Media point of view

The research paper project has several parts and requires you and your group to choose a controversial topic in the sport literature from the list of topics below.

Each group will be assigned a theory to use as a way to frame the issue. Each group will then put together a presentation for the end of the course.

The project has a total of parts:

1) The thesis statement;

2) the annotated bibliography;

3) the paper;

4) the presentation.

You will decide on a definite position (e.g., pro or con, good or bad, right or wrong), and provide appropriate professional, peer reviewed support for your position through in-depth research on the issue. The issue will also be related to one of the sociological theories presented in the materials provided during Week 1. This paper is meant to be an editorial, but must also adhere to APA style and formatting standards. As an example, it is suggested you look at an editorial in a professional journal and emulate the style of the piece. You will also need to tie your position to one of the sociological theories discussed in class during Week 1.

The assignment is fairly open. You will be permitted to voice your opinion on any sport issue, or combination of issues. For example, let's say you have an interest in disability sportbut you also have an interest in doping.You could look at use of PEDs in disability sport or as adding to violence in disability sport.

The ground rules are simple: no rants, no unsupported facts, and no unsupported opinions. You must include appropriate examples of the issue, and tie those example in to the information collected in your research.

The paper will be written like an APA style editorial. You will choose an aspect of the topic, formulate a thesis statement reflecting your position, and write a cohesive, well reasoned, well thought out piece on the subject.

Be aware...This assignment is not a general report on the topic.Your thesis statement requires you to either find a potential solution to a problem or theorize about why something is the way it is.

You are required to use 6 or more resources for this paper.

A minimum of 3 sources must be professional, peer-reviewed journals.

The remaining 3 sources may be additional primary/peer-reviewed sources or you may use appropriate secondary sources (e.g., books, newspapers, magazines) at your discretion.

The power points and videos are meant to provide a springboard for choosing a topic for the assignment. However, the power pointsand videos areNOT permittedas primary references. You need to dig deeper.

Topic List

Elite sports and children
Disability sport
Scholarship athletes
Should the Redskins change their name?
Should the World Cup 2018 be moved from Russia?


Part 1 - Topic Selection and Thesis Statement

Your group will have already decidedon the issue to cover. You will decide on a specific aspect of the problem to focus on. In class you will create your thesis statement to use when doing your research and writing your paper.

This thesis statement must appear in the introduction of the paper (in bold) and again in the summary (also in bold).Please review the writing power points, owl.purdue, and the thesis statement article for further information on thesis statements.

Part 2 - Annotated Bibliography

You must do a literature search for your project. This means library time (on-line or in-person, your call). The TU library allows you to access journal articles for free. please avoid Google or any other search engine, you will have to pay to view the articles.

In addition, do not rely upon the library or Google to provide you with correctly formatted reference citations. Go to the source: The APA Manual, the APA website, or owl.purdue.

Use the form in the Assignments folder and choose 6 sources from your searchto complete the Annotated Bibliography.The form gives you space for all 6 sources.

You must use the prompts on the form exactly as written. At least 3 of the sources used must be peer-reviewed/academic journal articles.The remaining may be additional, relevant peer reviewed journals or any other appropriate secondary sources.

Please note: All sources used in the annotated bibliography must appear in your paper.

You are free to add more sources when writing your complete paper.

You will not use the annotations in the final paper

Each annotated bibliography source needs4 specific pieces of information. The items include:

1. Citation of the work - including author, date, article title, journal name, volume number page numbers - in APA format

2. A 2-3 sentence summaryof the article - You will let the reader know what the article is about in a brief a manner as possible.

3. A 2-3 sentence evaluationof the article - You will let the reader know if this is a useable work and why, e.g., quality of the research, importance in relation to the topic, etc.

4. A 2-3 sentence assessmentof the article - You will let the reader know the strengths (or weaknesses, as the case may be) of the article in the context of your interest/focus.

*You must use the annotated bibliography form provided. All prompts are included in the form. Do not delete the prompts, all you need to do is fill it in. Be sure toedit whatever you plug into the form.

Annotated Bibliography Citation Example:

Bibliographic Citation:
Butcher-Poffley, L. (2012). How to write an annotated bibliography.Journal of Teaching Kinesiology, 1, 101-110.

Summarize: This article describes how to write an annotated bibliography using "the three sentences"as the most effective means for deciding on whether or not to use a work in research.

Evaluate: This article provides helpful tips for examining research in the context of writing a paper that answers a specific question in the field of study. It is short, but to the point.

Assess: While this article is helpful in determining what types of resources would be acceptable for an APA or AMA style research paper, it does not provide enough assistance in the mechanics of professional style. It also does not provide enough information on how to locate resources in a library setting. Most likely, I will not use this in my paper.

Part 3 - The Paper

Content Requirements

- A review of the problem as it relates to the theory you have been assigned - You need adequate documentation of the problem from the media and any other appropriate source(s)

- A review of the literature- You need to go to the literature to get some background on the issue, how/if it was handled, who is responsible for the issue, etc.

- Your thesis statement must appear (bolded) in the first or second paragraph of your introduction.

- In depth discussion using the appropriate professional/peer-reviewed literature supporting your position on the topic

- What you feel should be done to resolve the issue, get more information out to the public about the issue, and/or hold those responsible accountable for the issue

- Your thesis must be summed up in the conclusion of your paper.

- You must tie your paper into the theoretical base and ensure your topic fits in with those of your presentation group.

Mechanical Requirements

- APA formatted cover page and reference page (not included in page requirement)

- The paper must be 6 full pages of text (minimum)

- 12-pt font (Helvetica, Times New Roman, Arial, or Cambria), 1" margins, double spaced

- Please do not double space between paragraphs

- You must use APA formatting for your reference list and citations.

- You must use 3 primary/peer-reviewed sources

- You must include the DOI (see APA Manual) for all internet resources.

- Your bibliography at the end of this document does not include the annotations - you will only include the actual appropriate resource citation

- Utilize the concise, professional, unbiased tone of the APA writing style.

- You may use first person. Since journals include editorials, rebuttals, and critiques (which are typically written in first person), it is expected you will emulate the professional writing style as well as the format, for this assignment

Research Requirements

- You are required to use aminimum of 3 professional, peer-reviewed journalsas sources.

- You may use additional resources, however commercial web sites, encyclopedias, product endorsed articles are not permitted.

- You must use secondary sources like news articles from sources like ESPN, Sports Illustrated, NY Times, etc. to identify incidents surrounding the issue, and/or reflecting the depth of the issue. Print media and/or their web sites do not replace the required journal articles.

- Use of the course power points, or any of the films or videos presented in class may not be used as research

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Dissertation: Specific aspect of the problem to focus on in class you
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