
Specializations and professional associations


Specializations and Professional Associations

Choosing the right specialization is an important first step in pursuit of your advanced degree; memberships in professional associations can help to establish connections with other scholar-practitioners.

To prepare for this assignment:

Review the Web sites that relate to your particular specialization.

Review the Web sites of at least one other specialization that may be similar to your professional interests.

Think about your choice of specialization and how it fits with what you read on the professional Web sites.

The assignment:

Write a two-page summary of why you chose the specialization you did. How does it fit with your personal and professional goals? What opportunities for professional association are available in your specialization? How will you involve yourself in the professional organization(s) associated with your intended specialization while you are at the University?

Support your Application assignment with specific references to all resources used in its preparation. You are asked to provide a reference list only for those resources not included in the Learning Resources for this course.

Solution Preview :

Prepared by a verified Expert
Other Subject: Specializations and professional associations
Reference No:- TGS01906033

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