1. Which of the given types of heaters employs a special glass sheet with a metallic backing which serves as a heating element?
A) Vertical discharge unit heater
B. Solar panel-skylight
C. Radiant-glass wall-mounted panel heater
D. Ceiling-mounted cable radiant heater
2. What is the TD for an outdoor design temperature of 20 degrees F and an indoor design temperature of 75 degrees F?
A. 35
B. 45
C. 55
D. 95
3. Which of the following is not a type of heat loss from a building?
A. Radiation
B. Convection
C. Circulation
D. Conduction
4. A circuit with a resistance of 25 ohms is carrying a current of 2 A. How much heat, in watts, is developed?
A. 50
B. 100
C. 450
D. 1250
5. Using the degree day method, calculate the annual kWh use in Springfield, Illinois, with a heat loss of 12 kW, and an indoor design temperature of 70 degrees F, and assuming 24-hour per day occupancy.
A. 18,810
B. 23,512
C. 25,080
D. 34,466