
Speaking of conflict resolution theory

Assignment Task:

Context: In 1997 Roland Paris wrote:

"The central tenet [...] is the assumption that the surest foundation for peace [...] is market democracy, that is, a liberal domestic polity and a market oriented economy [...]. Peacebuilding is in effect an enormous experiment that involves transplanting western models of social, political and economic organization into war-shattered states in order to control civil conflict: in other words, pacification through political and economic liberalization".

In the light of empirical evidence and conflict resolution theories, how much do you think this statement is valid today?

In the light of empirical evidence and conflict resolution theories, how much do you think this statement is valid today?

TASK: Rewrite the following answer I provided to the question, so that the quality of my answer improves and there is no trace of AI left. You can add or subtract whatever needed so that my answer turns out to be an eloquent and great academic text.

Here is my answer: Speaking of conflict resolution theory in the context of conflict-affected states of the modern world, one should take into consideration the statement made by Roland Paris in 1997 on the use of the principles of market democracy for peace building. His statement presupposes that the application of the Western governance and economical templates can help stabilize the societies, which have been devastated by the wars, by aiding them in adopting the liberal political system and market economy.

To evaluate the current veracity of Paris's assertion, it is necessary to incorporate quantitative information stemming from empirical evidence as well as qualitative data arising from the application of conflict theories. First, experience indicates that there is significant variability across cases in how successful various efforts at peace building are. This indicates that while market economy and liberal democracy may, in certain conditions, be healthy to stability and development, their imposition without adequate sensitivity towards a region that is already fragile makes the situation worst. For instance, in post-war societies, early implementation of rapid privatization and neo-liberal transitions have from time led to increased injustice and discontent among the affected minorities, which may cause the emergence of subsequent violence (Cramer, 2006).

For scholars such as Paul Collier, he hypothesized that economic aspects like employment opportunities and transformation are important in supporting peace. But, he stressed that the sequence and the timing of the process of economic liberalization remained essential factors. Early opening up without suitable institutional frameworks or protection in a post conflict setting may foster conflict re emergence (Collier, 2007). Furthermore, the current conflict resolution theories focus on the key characteristics of political systems, such as the extent of their inclusiveness that allows different sectors of society to have input into the decision-making process. Unlike the early post conflict reconstruction activities which were mostly characterized by the imposition of western modes of management, contemporary peace building approaches stress the importance of local ownership and participation as the cornerstones of sustainable peace (Mac Ginty, 2011)

In addition, critics of the liberal peace approach, which suggests that wars are best solved by incorporating more liberal elements into the system, argue that it fails to adequately deal with root causes of the conflict such as identity based issues or past injustices. This approach to peace building entails commitment to dealing with conflict roots and implementing reconciliation, justice, and social cohesion as well as addressing institutional change (Lederach, 1997).

To sum it up, although Roland Paris's assertion seems to express potentials of building the peace through promotion of liberal democratic politics, and market economy, the assertion could only be valid today depending on the contexts and nuanced understanding and appreciation of power relations in local societies. The process of achieving and sustaining peace requires a comprehensive collaborative and focus on governance, economic growth, as well as social justice in post-conflict societies.

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