
Southgatenbsphospital accident amp emergency department

Southgate Hospital Accident & Emergency Department (A&E) provides a point of entry in to the hospital for patients. Patients can arrive through 2 routes: they can arrive via their own transportation or they can be brought in by ambulance. On entry to the A&E department

patients are classified according to the severity of their condition:

-those who require immediate treatment or resuscitation (such as sever road traffic accidents and heart attacks) are rushed through to treatment or resuscitation rooms as appropriate and always admitted to the hospital.

-those who have major injury or illnesses (such as industrial accidents and elderly patients with pneumonia) are registered and prioritized. It

is possible for a patient to go straight for treatment at this point if their condition justifies it. Otherwise, they wait in the waiting area for a triage nurse to become available.

- those who have minor injury or illness (such as domestic accidents or asthma) are registered and prioritized. They need to wait in the waiting area for a triage nurse to become available.

- children as sent to a specialist pediatric unit within the general hospital When a triage nurse becomes available, they select the next highest priority patient and assess whether the patient can be treated and discharged or needs admission to the general hospital.

(a) Draw a process model in the notation of your choice for handling Southgate A&E patients.

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Business Management: Southgatenbsphospital accident amp emergency department
Reference No:- TGS01278848

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