
Sources of strategic enterprise information

Careful assessment of the sources of strategic enterprise information. A short (5-7 pages, not including cover sheet and references) and to the point. It is to be structured as a point/counterpoint argument manner. Need assistance in answering the following question:

To what degree should organizations depend on the analysis of large databases and other IT resources to formulate basic strategy?

LaValle, S., Lesser, E., Shockley, R., Hopkins, M. and Kruschwitz, N. (2010) Big Data, Analytics and the Path From Insights to Value. MIT Sloan Management Review. December. Retrieved September 16, 2011, from


[The ptional Readings contains a link to the full report, if you're interested.]

Webster, J. (2011) Understanding Big Data Analytics. SeaRchStorage.com. Retrieved September 16, 2011, from


Hayles, R.A., (2007) Planning and Executing IT Strategy. IT Professional Magazine. Sep/Oct. 9(5):12-20.

Nobel, C. (2010) How IT Shapes Top-Down and Bottom-Up Decision Making. Working Knowledge: Harvard Business School. November 1. Retrieved November 25, 2010, from https://hbswk.hbs.edu/item/6504.html?wknews=11011

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