"Sources of Individual Shy-Bold Variations in Antipredator Behaviour of Male Iberian Rock Lizards," published online in Animal Behavior in 2005, considered a variety of traits and measurements for lizards noosed in the mountains of central Spain. "Many male lizards also have a conspicuous row of small but distinctive blue spots that runs along the side of the body on the outer margin of belly."1 The number of blue spots was measured for each of two sides for 34 lizards, and was found to have mean 6.5.
a. Assuming the lizards were a representative sample, what is our best guess for the mean number of side spots on all Iberian rock lizards?
b. If the 34 lizards had all been obtained from a particular pet shop instead of from their natural habitat, could we say that 6.5 is our best guess for mean number of side spots on all Iberian rock lizards?