
sometimes you may drop to perform conversions

Sometimes you may drop to perform conversions among the built-in types. To translate between types you just use the type name as a function.
There are quite a few built-in functions to carry out conversion from one data type to another. These functions return a new object representing the changed value.
Function Description
Converts x to an integer. Base states the base if x is a string.
long(x [,base] ) Converts x to a long integer. Base identifies the base if x is a string.
float(x) Changes x to a floating-point number.
complex(real [,imag]) Generates a complex number.
str(x) Changes object x to a string representation.
repr(x) Changes object x to an expression string.
eval(str) Estimates a string and returns an object.
tuple(s) Changes s to a tuple.
list(s) Changes to a list.
set(s) Translates s to a set.
dict(d) Generates a dictionary. d must be a sequence of (key, value) tuples.
frozenset(s) Translates s to a frozen set.
chr(x) Translates an integer to a character.
unichr(x) Translates an integer to a Unicode character.
ord(x) Translates a single character to its integer value.
hex(x) Translates an integer to a hexadecimal string.
oct(x) Translates an integer to an octal string.

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Computer Engineering: sometimes you may drop to perform conversions
Reference No:- TGS0154931

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