
Sometimes emotions can interfere with critical thinking

Critical Thinking:

Paper instructions:

Question #1: Sometimes emotions can interfere with critical thinking, and (if Scheffler is right) sometimes they can assist it, Give an example of each, and show how they work.

Question #2: How do we help students regard mistakes and surprises as educationally beneficial, and not as failures?

Question #3: What is the relationship of a disposition with a propensity to follow explicit or implicit rules?

Question #4: What does Passmore mean by critico-creative thinking? What role might it play in an expanded conception of critical thinking?

Question #5: Passmore says, “Anybody who sets out to teach his pupils to be critical must expect constantly to be embarrassed.” Do you agree or disagree, and why?

In each post, identify the question you are answering. As much as possible, try to keep replies and postings of new ideas to THAT question in one continuous thread.

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Reference No:- TGS01437490

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