
Sometimes during the manufacturing of an integrated circuit

Sometimes during the manufacturing of an integrated circuit, wires-including control signal wires-are accidentally connected to +V or GND, resulting in a control signal that is stuck-at-1 (when connected to +V) or stuck-at-0 (when connected to GND).

This is a hardware bug which will manifest itself when certain assembly language instructions are executed and do not perform the operation they are supposed to perform.

(a) Suppose the RegDst signal is stuck at 0. For each of the instructions that are implemented in the single-cycle design, list the instruction and explain if the instruction will or will not properly execute.

If the instruction is affected by the hardware bug, then instead of what should happen, explain what will actually happen.

(b) Repeat exercise (a) assuming that RegDst is instead stuck at 1.

(c) Repeat exercise (a) assuming that MemToReg is stuck at 0.

(d) Repeat exercise (a) assuming that MemToReg is stuck at 1.

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Computer Engineering: Sometimes during the manufacturing of an integrated circuit
Reference No:- TGS02928267

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