
Some of the topics are as under and the expert can pick up

Assignment -

Some of the topics are as under and the expert can pick up the topic based on his preference. Please let me know if the expert is ok for any of the below two and I prefer the first one.

1. Adoption of E Banking in customer satisfaction

2. Knowledge management and performance of middle eastern banks

Given below is how this should work -

1. Research Outline should be done (this is 500 words). This should be done based on a selected Topic considering that the MBA is specializing in Banking (I prefer something with regard to E Banking but we can discuss and agree on the topic).

2. Once the outline is done, I will have to submit it for Tutor's review & Approval. If tutor recommends any further changes, the same need to be incorporated. Please also note that the Expert should complete the Research Ethics form too.

3. Once the outline has been approved by the Tutor, the Research Proposal needs to be done and I have attached some examples too.

4. Once the above are completed, the Project will commence which is a separate task.


(1) TITLE: -

(2) MAIN ACADEMIC AREA: Strategic Management, HR, Marketing, Psychology

(3) CONTEXT AND RATIONALE: - (Background/Significance or justification:

Cover the importance of the area of your study, why it is important and the benefits of it, with substantiating one or two literature.
Significance of the Study: -


• Critically review the literature.
• To analyze the relationship between the independent and dependent variable
• To ascertain the most significant factor
• To make necessary recommendations and future research areas.

(5) Methodology: -

• The research approach and strategy (deductive and quantitative approach).
• How the data will be collected (the Measuring instrument, questionnaire) and if online or offline.
• Research design, survey, case study etc.
• Data collection where will it be done and the respondents.
• What is the population and how the sample will be selected?
• To check the reliability and validity, incorporating pilot test

(6) References maximum of five.

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Management Theories: Some of the topics are as under and the expert can pick up
Reference No:- TGS02619598

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