
Some of the negative aspects surrounding homeland security

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The (OSLLE), Office for State and Local Law Enforcement, was influenced by the DHS, and actually provides the Department of Homeland Security with the primary coordination, support with liaison, and advocacy for local, state and territorial law enforcement agencies (Security, 2016). According to (Security, 2016), in 2007 on the recommendation of the 9/11 commission, congress created the (OSLLE) for two key purposes.

By serving as primary liaison between DHS and non-Federal law-enforcement agencies, providing and coordinating DHS's policies related to state, local, tribal, and territorial law enforcement. For the prevention against acts of terrorism, preparing for, protecting against, and responding to natural/man-made disasters (Security, 2016).

(Keefer, 2016) states there are pros and cons pertaining to the extensive network of security from the federal government, he also indicates the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's purpose was created for combating domestic and international terrorism (Keefer, 2016). With the positive impacts of creating increased organization of federal, state, and local agencies by facilitating an effective response to terrorism. (Keefer, 2016) also explains in the article another benefit would be the creation of a critical infrastructure, that has access to more available resources. A third benefit that Homeland Security provides to America would be the prevention of terrorist attacks (Keefer, 2016).

Some of the negative aspects surrounding Homeland Security, would be those individuals or citizens who oppose the growing power of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (Keefer, 2016). There is a growing concern among critics as to the potential abuse by federal officials, they believe little difference between the infrastructure has developed in addressing the growing number of terrorist societies in the U.S. (Keefer, 2016) indicates that critics are pointing out the loss of individual freedoms and privacy's Americans are witnessing under the Homeland Security Act. The need for America to monitor, identify and prosecute terrorist requires intensive investigation by multiple federal agencies, such as the CIA, FBI, and many others. According to (Keefer, 2016) most of the critics seem unwilling to surrender their Constitutional protections against unreasonable search and seizures, so the U.S. government can effectively protect her citizens. One important impact that has critics concerned is the heavy financial burden Homeland Security has placed on the nation (Keefer, 2016). The cost for staffing and training Homeland Security Agents, was estimated to be around $ 38 billion dollars in 2003, according to the Center for Defense Information, and the estimated cost for 2011 would be $56.3 billion (Keefer, 2016).


Keefer, G. (2016). Pros and Cons of Homeland Security. People of our everyday life, 1.

Security, D. o. (2016, April 13 ). The Office for State and Local Law Enforcement. Retrieved from Homeland Security: https://www.dhs.gov/office-state-and-local-law-enforcement

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