
Some managers maintain that employee rating and appraisal

Each response should be at least 100 words.

1- Some managers maintain that employee rating and appraisal systems must include the evaluation of subjective employee characteristics such as personality, attitude, appearance, demeanor, friendliness, and social behavior. Other managers maintain that these characteristics most often do not reflect a worker’s ability to successfully perform a job. In addition, they point out that an overreliance on subjective factors can undermine employee morale and lead to perceptions of unfairness. What role do you believe subjective factors should play in evaluating hospitality employees?

2- Some forms of undesirable employee behavior are so serious that they warrant immediate termination, despite the existence of a progressive disciplinary program. Examples could include on-the-job fighting or intoxication. Consider the case of theft by an employee. Should such behavior result in the use of progressive discipline, or should it always result in immediate termination? Would the item or dollar amount taken by the employee affect your decision? Why or why not?

3- When being evaluated by their bosses, most employees say they prefer a system that treats each employee in exactly the same manner. Interestingly, however, these same employees believe bosses should consider the individual circumstances of an incident when evaluating objectionable behavior. As an employee, which system would you prefer your boss to use? Explain your answer.

4- Alcoholism is a disability covered by the ADA. Assume a bartender was caught drinking on the job. Assume further that the bartender had disclosed he was a recovering alcoholic at the time of his hiring. As an HR manager what specific steps would you take to determine and document whether this employee could in fact be fired for violating your company’s strict policy against drinking on the job or if the employee, as a member of a protected class, is protected by the ADA?

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Operation Management: Some managers maintain that employee rating and appraisal
Reference No:- TGS02540707

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