
Solving travel itinerary and creative task

The first task below is a travel itinerary task. Read the directions carefully and answer the questions in an organized manner. Make sure you provide flight days and times as what is being requested below.

1) Travel Itinerary:

I need to travel from San Francisco to London next Tuesday and fly back roughly a week after that to JFK. I'd like to fly out Tuesday morning and don't care when I come back the following week, as long as it's cheap and non-stop... Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday works—anytime is fine.
While I'm in London I'd like you to find me a few options of places to stay near the heart of the city, my budget is mid-range and I prefer boutique hotels or AirBnB's that rent out the whole flat—versus a shared apartment situation.
I have two business dinners I need to host while I'm there, please find me two options of nice restaurants in the heart of the city—type of cuisine is inconsequential.

2) Creative:

I've always been fascinated by the fact that we idolize "celebrities" who are famous for being famous and often have no real skill sets. I've wanted to bring attention to entrepreneurs and other people who are creating value in our world for a long time, mostly because this would help encourage a whole generation to take control of their lives and understand that building something worthwhile is sexy, not boring.
Please see if anything like this is out there and provide links, also give me your feedback on how you would champion this project if it was given to you. Where would you start? Who would you enlist to help, etc?

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Other Subject: Solving travel itinerary and creative task
Reference No:- TGS0563

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