
Solving subset-sum problem using backtracking

1) What do you mean by Backtracking? Describe in detail with suitable.

2) Describe Subset-sum Problem and explain the possible solution strategies using backtracking.

3) Describe the use of greedy method in solving knapsack problem and subset sum problem.

4) Write brief notes on:

(a) Graph coloring

(b) 8-Queens problem

5) Apply Backtracking technique to solve the following instance of the subset sum problems. s=(1,3,4,5) & d=11 (16)

6) Describe 8-Queens problem with an algorithm. Describe why backtracking is defined as a default procedure of last resort for solving problems.

7) Using Backtracking enumerate how can you solve the problems given below:

(a) 8-queens problem

(b) Hamiltonian circuit problem.

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Data Structure & Algorithms: Solving subset-sum problem using backtracking
Reference No:- TGS010778

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