
Solving problem for sudoku

Solve the following problem:

We recall that a Sudoku is a 9x9 grid that is partly filled with numbers between 1 and 9 such that any number between 1 and 9 only appears once in a row, a column, or a 3x3 bloc of the grid. This exercise solves a simple Sudoku grid where there exists a path over the empty entries that fills them one at a time by excluding all possibilities but one. The Sudoku we solve is given by

> s = matrix(0,ncol = 9,nrow = 9)

> s[1,c(6,8)] = c(6,4)

> s[2,c(1:3,8)]=c(2,7,9,5)

> s[3,c(2,4,9)]=c(5,8,2)

> s[4,3:4]=c(2,6)

> s[6,c(3,5,7:9)] = c(1,9,6,7,3)

> s[7,c(1,3:4,7)] = c(8,5,2,4)

> s[8,c(1,8:9)] = c(3,8,5)

> s[9,c(1,7,9)] = c(6,9,1)

a. Print the grid on-screen.

b. We define the array pool = array (TRUE, dim = c(9,9,9)) of possible values for each entry (i, j) of the grid, pool [i,j,k] being FALSE if the value k can be excluded. Give the R code that updates pool for the entries already filled.

c. If i is an integer between 1 and 81, explain the meaning of s[i].

d. Show that, for a given entry (a, b), the indices of the integers in the same 3x3 box as (a, b) are defined by





e. Deduce that values at an entry (a,b) that is not yet determined can be excluded by

for (u in (1:9) [pool [a,b,]])
pool [a,b,u] = (sum(u==s[a,])+sum(u==s[,b])+

and that certain entries correspond to

if (sum(pool[a,b,])==1)   s[i] = [pool [a,b,]]

f. Solve the grid above by a random exploration of entries (a,b) that continues as long as sum(s==0) > 0.

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Mathematics: Solving problem for sudoku
Reference No:- TGS02044497

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