Llinear functional on (N∪{0})
Let H = l2(N∪0)
(a) Show that if {an} ∈ H, then the power series Σ∞n=0 anzn has radius of convergence > 1.
(b) If |λ| < 1 and L: H→F (F is either the real or the complex field) is defined by L({an}) = Σ∞n=0 anλn, find the vector h0∈H such that L(h) = {h, h0}∀ h ∈ H.
(c) For a bounded linear functional L: H→F define the norm of L as follows:
||L|| = sup {|L(h)|:||h||<1} for ∀ h ∈ H.What is the norm of the linear functional L defined in (b)?