
Solving gram-schmidt orrthonormalization


Gram-Schmidt Orrthonormalization

1. Show that the norm ||A|| = maxi,j |aij| on the space of n×n real matrices is not induced by any norm in ℜn . Hint: use 8.10(ii).

2. Prove the Neuman lemma: if ||A|| < 1, then I - A is invertible. Here || · || is a norm on the space of n × n matrices induced by a norm ℜn or ?n

3. Let V be an inner product space, and || · || be the norm induced by the inner product.

Prove the parallelogram law

                                 ||u + v||2 + ||u - v||2 = 2||u||2 + 2||v||2

Based on this, show that the norms || · ||1 and || · || in ℜ2 are not induced by any inner product.

4. Let {w1, . . . , wn} be an ONB in ℜn . Assuming that n is even, compute
                            ||w1 - w2 + w3 - · · · - wn||

5. Apply Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization to the the basis {1, x, x2} in the space P2(ℜ) with the inner product

                                                {f,g} = ∫10 ƒ(x)g(x)dx

Extra credit: Find two norms on the space C[0, 1] that are not equivalent.

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Algebra: Solving gram-schmidt orrthonormalization
Reference No:- TGS01933632

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