Question: Solve Problem using the ranked positional weights method in part (c).
Problem: The table below defines the precedence relationships and element times for a new model toy.
(a) Construct the precedence diagram for this job.
(b) If the ideal cycle time = 1.1 min, repositioning time = 0.1 min. and uptime proportion is assumed to be 1.0, what is the theoretical minimum number of workstations required to minimize the balance delay under the assumption that there will be one worker per station?
(c) Use the largest candidate rule to assign work elements to stations.
(d) Compute the balance delay for your solution.
Work Element Te (min) Immediate Predecessors
1 0.5 -
2 0.3 1
3 0.8 1
4 0.2 2
5 0.1 2
6 0.6 3
7 0.4 4.5
8 0.5 3.5
9 0.3 7.8
10 0.6 6.9