
Solution orientated therapy is one of the newer models of

Discussion 1

Solution orientated therapy is one of the newer models of counseling created by Steve de Shazer and Kim Berg about 1978. This model was presented to focus on the solutions of the patients rather than the past issues that might have brought them to the point that they are at.

The benefits of solution orientated therapy is that succeeds is based on how the patient progressing, then on time.

The environment is goal orientated, practical, short term and based on fixing the present issues, quickly with hopes that once present issues are addressed that will fix any recurring issues from the past.

It differs from psycho dynamic therapy because, in psycho dynamic therapy the counselor is focused on linking behavior and thoughts and feelings to past experiences.

They focus on overcoming obstacles from the past to help the client understand where his feelings are rooted from. This therapy also helps the client control his defense mechanisms.

I can't see myself picking one over the other because everyone is different. With one client, I might have to work deep into his past, while with another I might be able to help the client understand enough that his life can be average. If I just had to pick, I would pick psychodynamic therapy.

I would pick psychodynamic therapy because, I am a firm believer that you must find the root of the problem in order to fix the problem. A person can always get over a situation, but I believe if you don't understand why the situation occurred, the situation can always present itself in a different light.

McCarthy, C. & Archer, J (2013). Theories of counseling and psychotherapy. San Diego: Bridgepoint Education, Inc

Discussion 2 - Brief Therapy

According to our textbook, solution focused therapy is the one of the most prominent brief counseling approaches practiced today, focusing on strengths and helping clients reach their own goals as quickly as possible.

This approach represents a unique approach that is particularly useful to therapists who philosophically focus on human potential rather than psychopathology. The benefits of solution oriented brief therapy are:

Its simplicity, which reduces the likelihood of its conflicting with other theoretical models of counseling

The pragmatism of SFT, which focuses on what work, not why it works

The respect for diversity in technique in SFT, which gives the counselor greater latitude in using techniques that have contrasting theoretical assumptions

The emphasis on listening to clients and tailoring interventions to their needs, increasing the likelihood that a given technique will be useful to a client.

This differ from brief psychodynamic therapy because psychodynamic therapy is another contemporary application, called self - psychology, was developed by Heinz Kohut.

Heinz believed that the overriding factor in human development was white might be called a healthy narcissism. In other words, the need for a cohesive sense of self and the related self-esteem is seen as a driving force in personality.

Solution - focused therapy (SFT) involves helping clients make significant progress in just a few sessions. However, the brevity of this approach stems from theoretical principles about the change process, rather than simply an attempt to shorten the length of counseling.

For example, SFT theorists maintain that once changes are set in motion, they tend to snowball and generalize to other parts of life. SFT therefore is focused on helping clients utilize their strengths and be proactive in handling life'sdemands.


McCarthy, C. J. & Archer, J., Jr. (2013). Theories of counseling and psychotherapy. San Diego: Bridgepoint Education, Inc. ISBN: 97816217810

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