
Solution of dining-philosophers and synchronization problems

1) A hard disk which is having 500 cylinders, numbered from 0 to 499. The drive is presently serving the request at cylinder 143, and the previous request was at cylinder 125. Status of queue is as follows: 86, 470, 13, 177, 448, 150, 102, 175, 130. What is the total distance (in cylinders) that disk arm moves to satisfy all the pending requests for each of the disk-scheduling algorithms given below?


2) Operating system provides the environment for execution of programs. Write down the services that are provided for the convenience of the programmer, to make programming task easier? Describe the services in detail.

a) Write down different Execution modes in the Operating System.

b) What do you mean by a System call? Describe the different kinds of system calls

3) In general a Process can be divided into Single Threaded Process and Multi Threaded Process.

a) Write down the benefits of multithreaded programming.

b) Describe the Multithreading Models with suitable diagram.

c) Describe Round robin scheduling with an example.

4)a) What do you mean by Critical Section? Explain in detail with suitable example.

b) There are few classical problems of synchronization and these problems are examples of a large class of concurrency–control problems. One of the problems is Dining-Philosophers problem. Describe this problem with suitable example. Write the Monitor solution for this problem.

5) Describe the Banker’s algorithm for deadlock avoidance with suitable example.

6) Paging is the memory management scheme. Sketch the Paging hardware diagram. Write down the working procedure of paging hardware in detail.

7) How can you handle the page fault in demand paging? Describe FIFO page replacement and Optimal Page replacement algorithms in detail.

8) Describe the different diskspace allocation methods.

9) Describe the different disk scheduling algorithms in detail with suitable example.

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Operating System: Solution of dining-philosophers and synchronization problems
Reference No:- TGS010381

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