
Solid state of physics

Question 1:

a) What is meant by the term polarization of a solid? Describe polarizability of atoms and molecules.

b) Derive expressions for electric and ionic polarizability of a dielectric material.

Question 2:

a) Describe the behavior of a dielectric material in an ac field.

b) Derive expression for the energy absorbed per second in a dielectric material when an ac field is applied.

Question 3:

a) What are various kinds of point defects? Describe each of them.

b) Derive expression for the concentration of valancies in metallic and ionic crystals.

Question 4:

a) Describe the role of dislocations in the crystal growth of a solid.

b) What is meant by the term magnetic susceptibility? Explain experiments set up to measure the magnetic susceptibility of the material.

Question 5:

a) Differentiate between classical and quantum theory of Para magnetism.

b) Describe the quantum theory of Para magnetism. Obtain curies law for the paramagnetic material.

Question 6:

a) Describe the Weiss theory of ferromagnetism. Obtain an expression for the susceptibility of ferromagnetic material.

b) Describe how a saturation magnetization based on temperature.

Question 7:

a) Derive quantization condition of spin waves.

b) Obtain block T3/2 law. Describe its validity.

Question 8:

a) What do you mean by ferromagnetic material? Describe the structure of a ferrite material.

b) Describe Neer’s theory of ferromagnetic material.

Question 9: Write note on any two of the given:

a) Effect of crystal field on the paramagnetic properties of solid.
b) Determination of dielectric of a solid.
c) GMR and CMR materials.
d) Ferromagnetic domains.

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Physics: Solid state of physics
Reference No:- TGS05297

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