Question 1. A 2-lb ball is thrown upward at 30ft/s from an origin 5-ft above the earth's surface. Using for your positive reference a vertical Y axis with its origin at 5ft, DETERMINE FOR THE BALL:
a) The maximum height in ft reached
b) The elapsed time of flight in seconds until its return to the origin
c) Its acceleration in ft/s2 at the highest point
d) Its velocity vector at its return to the origin
Question 2. The velocity of a 0.1kg particle along a horizontal X axis is given by:
v(t)=(8t2 -20)m/s, and at t=20s, v(20)=60m. DETERMINE FOR t=8s:
a) The position of the particle in ft
b) The velocity of the particle in ft/s
c) The acceleration of the particle in ft/s2
Question 3. The acceleration of an object in rectilinear x-direction motion is given by:
a(v)=0.4-0.0002v2 ft/s. If v=0 when x=0. DETERMINE FOR THE OBJECT:
a) Its velocity in ft/s when x=1000ft
b) Its acceleration in ft/s2 at x=1000ft
c) Its maximum velocity in ft/s