sole access protocolthe atomic operations which

Sole Access Protocol

The atomic operations, which have conflicts, are handled using sole access protocol. The process used for synchronization in this protocol is given below:

1)  Lock Synchronization: In this process contents of an atom are updated by requester process and sole access is granted before the atomic operation. This method can be applied for shared read-only access.

2)  Optimistic  Synchronization: This process also updates the atom by requester process, but sole access is granted after atomic operation via abortion. This technique is also known as post synchronisation. In this process, any process may secure sole access after first finishing an atomic operation on a local version of the atom, and then implementing the global version of the atom. The second operations make sure the concurrent update of the first atom with the updation of second atom.

3)  Server synchronization: It updates the atom by the server process of requesting process. In this process, an atom behaves as a unique update server. A process requesting an atomic operation on atom sends the request to the atom's update server. 




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Computer Networking: sole access protocolthe atomic operations which
Reference No:- TGS0208340

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