
softwareapplication platform requirementgis

Software/Application Platform Requirement:

GIS solutions would primarily consist of Database and Applications software. The application package should work in LAN/WAN/Internet/Intranet environment. As already stated, GIS application and database software should be OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium) compliant, time tested, widely deployed at multiple utilities world-wide, from a reliable supplier of high reputation and long standing recognition within the field of geographical information.

The programming application should be developed using the latest non-proprietary Object Oriented Programming language (OOP), that is visual Basic etc., and it should be possible to customize the application to suit user needs. No proprietary development languages should be needs for GIS software solutions, that should be configurable and parameter driven. In such an event, advantage could be taken of product enhancements without the programming and re-programming challenges encountered in a system which is driven by an application programming interface (API). GIS software should be truly open with all geometry, network facility model, business rules validation, and version management stored in an open, standard relational database.

Software must have dynamic capability to establish relationship among the entities. It should be designed to be scalable and flexible, taking benefits of innovative memory management and a Dynamic Display Cache for rapid data access and display. Software must be able to show and/or provide error messages in case of incomplete network. The system administrator should be able to assign the password for using exact features of application software and database. The system should have an open architecture and the Spatial Data Engine should work on all industry standard Cross-platform support such as UNIX/Windows/Linux, etc.

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Electrical Engineering: softwareapplication platform requirementgis
Reference No:- TGS0203647

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