
Software engineering conceptual design strategies all

Question: Design Tools

Chapter 5 in the Schach text is titled "Tools of the Trade". The beginning of the chapter focuses on conceptual design tools - strategies that can be used in the process of designing solutions to problems. Class discussion focused on two sets of strategies:

• "Software engineering" conceptual design strategies, all having the common goal of managing "volumetric" complexity. Strategies in this category included:

o Stepwise refinement

o Divide and conquer

o Separation of concerns

The common focus of these strategies: choosing an effective and efficientproblem solution based on the problem at hand that addresses the capabilities and limitations ofsoftware engineers.

• "Algorithm" conceptual design strategies, all having the common goal of dealing with "algorithmic" complexity. Strategies in this category included:

o Greedy (brute force)

o Divide and Conquer

o Dynamic

The common focus of these strategies: choosing an effective and efficient problem solution based on the problem at hand that addresses the capabilities and limitations of the computer and its resources.

You are to write a white paper that presents the rationalé for why these two categories of design strategies should be considered fundamental and fundamentally different. Your paper should be organized as follows:

• Abstract - a short paragraph presenting an overview of the paper:

o Objective of the paper

o What will be presented

o Summary of conclusions

• Expository information

o Software engineering design category

? Overview of the software engineering design category and why it should be treated as a category unto itself

? Definition and discussion of each strategy within the category

? Analysis of the relationships (similarities and differences) of the category strategies

o Algorithm design category

? Overview of the algorithm design category and why it should be treated as a category unto itself

? Definition and discussion of each strategy within the category

? Analysis of the relationships (similarities and differences) of the category strategies

• Summary

o Brief review of the expository information and consequent analyses

Your paper is subject to the following non-functional requirements:

• File name: Conceptual Design Tools YourLastName.docx

• Cover page

o Course id and title in upper left corner, semester in upper right corner

o Title of the document, centered on line 5 (18 point type)

• Abstract - begin on line 10 of the title page, no more than 150 words. Page break after the abstract.

• Expository information - at least one full page for each category, no more than two pages for each

• Summary - at least 2/3rds of a page, no more than one full page

• ¾" margins all around

• Calibri font, 11 point (unless indicated otherwise).

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Basic Computer Science: Software engineering conceptual design strategies all
Reference No:- TGS02343693

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